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Certified Copy

Certified copies are available from the Borough of Lodi's Registrar
for marriages, births and deaths which took place in the Borough of Lodi only. 

This office does not maintain divorce decrees - for divorce information 
you must contact the Superior Court in the County where your divorce took place.

Completion of the Certified Copy Request Form is required, please review the guidelines before completion and submission of the Online Form via the Module which you can access by clicking the icon below. 

Certified Copies are $10.00 each copy
Corrections/Amendments are $15.00
When completing the online form you will choose your method of fulfillment 
(In-Person Pick-Up or USPS First-Class Mail) 

There is an additional charge for USPS First Class Fulfillment (subject to change)
 Check or Money Order Payments - Made Payable to: The Borough of Lodi

If you wish to pay via credit or debit a link will be sent to you following confirmation that your record is on file in our office

The following information is required to obtain a certified copy of a vital record:

You must provide the information below; our office is not authorized to give you any identifying information

  • Exact date (day, month & year) that the event occurred
  • Exact name(s) on the record
  • Mother's Maiden Name
  • Father's Name (if named on record)
  • Proof of relationship to the person names on record
    • Proof must establish that requester is one of the following:
      • The subject of the record
      • The subject's parent, legal guardian or legal representative
      • The subject's spouse/civil union partner, child, grandchild or sibling, of legal age
      • A state or federal agency for official purposes
      • Pursuant to a court order

How to prove relationship to the subject:

  • To obtain your own birth certificate and you assumed the last name of your spouse/partner you must provide a copy of your marriage/civil union certificate to link the name on your current ID to the name on your birth certificate
  • To obtain your child's birth certificate
    • Contact local registrar's office
  • To obtain your spouse's/civil union partner's birth certificate you must provide a copy of your marriage/civil union certificate
  • To obtain your parent's or sibling's vital record you must provide a copy of your birth certificate with parent's names listed
    • If you have assumed the name of your spouse/civil union partner you must also provide a copy of your marriage/civil union certificate to link the name on your current ID to the name on your birth certificate
  • To obtain your grandparent's vital record you must establish that you are the person's grandchild by providing proof that links the name on your ID to the name of the grandparent
    • For example: if you changed your last name after marriage/civil union and want a grandparent's vital record you must:
      1. Provide your marriage/civil union certificate to show your name at birth and spouse/partner's name
      2. Provide your birth certificate with parent's names listed to identify your parent
      3. Provide the parent's birth certificate with parent's names listed to identify the grandparent

You must provide acceptable ID in order to get a copy of a vital record
Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • A current, valid driver's license or State issued non-driver ID with photo and current address
  • A current, valid driver's license without photo and one (1) alternate form of ID
  • Two (2) different alternate forms of ID, one (1) of which must have current address

Alternate forms of ID (all must be current and valid):

  • Vehicle Registration
  • Vehicle Insurance Card
  • Voter Registration
  • US/Foreign Passport
  • Immigrant Visa
  • Permanent Resident Card (green card)
  • Federal/State ID
  • County ID
  • School ID
  • Bank Statement (within 90 days)
  • Utility Bill (within 90 days)
  • Tax Return or W-2 for current/previous year

Apostille Seal
An Apostille Seal is an additional seal required on certified records that will be presented to a foreign government that is a member of the Hague Treaty. The seal is also required on documents for international adoptions and for establishing dual citizenship.

To obtain a record with an Apostille Seal, you must first obtain a certified copy of the vital record from the State Office of Vital Statistics and Registry, not the Local Office - Indicate on your application that it will need an Apostille Seal, and you will receive a certified copy of the vital record. You must then forward the document to the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services, which issues the Apostille Seal.

Click the Icon below to access the CERTIFIED COPY REQUEST MODULE

Contact Information:

One Memorial Drive, Room 202

  One Memorial Drive, Room 202