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Building Department

The Building Department of the Borough of Lodi issues permits for residential, commercial and industrial construction as well as conducts building, electrical and plumbing subcode inspections in order to ensure that all work is being completed in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code of the State of New Jersey.

In addition the Building Department is responsible for:

  • Protecting the health, safety and welfare of all users of buildings and structures within the Borough of Lodi through the enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code of the State of New Jersey
  • Ensuring the adequate maintenance of buildings and structures throughout the Borough by the active enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code of the State of New Jersey
  • Providing assistance to property owners and users, in times of crisis, to minimize disturbance of life and livelihood
  • Maintaining and advancing the quality of life of people living, working and visiting the Borough of Lodi by promoting and enforcing the ideals and principals set forth by the Mayor & Council through Borough ordinances
  • Assisting applicants in the process of obtaining necessary approvals for use and development of properties within the Borough


Connection Unit Application - PVSC

Contractor License Application

Dumpster Permit Application

Local Permit Application

Planning Board Hearing Application

Road Opening Permit Application

Site Plan Waiver

Soil Movement Application

Contact Information

  One Memorial Drive, Room 204

One Memorial Drive, Room 204

One Memorial Drive, Room 204